Monday, April 30, 2012

Smile You're So Not On Camera (:

For my First Official Blog, here is the random question I was given on that profile settings page thingy majigger. I simply did not have enough room in 400 characters to tell the marvelous story of my youth it was inquiring of. Therefore, Below I have typed the question blogger had asked me and my answer of way more than 400 characters (: hehe I just loved the question so I elaborated (: Please disregard my GUMS (Grammer,Usage,Mechanics) This was not meant as a literary piece to be dissected for a grade on grammar, but rather a simple and enjoyable piece for the young at heart, the young in spirit, or the just plain young (:
“The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig:”

Oh yes of course that story, Hold on i need to put my spectacles on... Now where did i last leave my spectacles. oh here they are okay now what did you ask me my deary? A story? Was that what you wanted... A long long time ago in a gala... oh not that story? what story did you want then? ohhhhh the one about the bald frog with the wig.. very well then.
Thrice upon a time Hairy ,the frog with thinning hair, had called upon his father saying, "Father, is it true that all the Winklemenkle frogs have gone bald by their fifteenth midnight?" His father replied in one long croak, " Hairy, do not trouble me with such questions at this hour. Goooo to your lily pad. It is late and you have fly duty tomorrow!" Hairy who had just lost his third molar on the second tuesday of the last week obeyed his aged Father and went to his lily pad to sleep. When he had said his froggy prayers Hairy layed his molar under his leafy pillow and nodded off to the echo of sweet crickets with the glow of the pale pink moon as his nightlight. The next morning Hairy Winklemenkle awoke to the splashes of his younger sister as she pranced about their pond. "Priscillaaaa!", Hairy beckoned,"please come here this---" Hairy paused midway as he beheld on his leafy pillow the sight of the most handsome olive green wig he had ever seen. Suddenly he had the world at his pleasantly sticky wet finger tips. No more would he spend his days of fly duty with his mind full of worries. His problems had all been solved by the delectable ToothFly who must’ve gifted him this beautiful wig whilst he slept.

The end. (for now...zzZ..zZZ.ZZz...ZzZ)

1 comment:

  1. So whatever happened to that paper that you were/are writing? It's stressing me
    Out not knowing if you have completed it yet "oh anonymous one"
    I will be sitting on "edge" waiting to know.... Please... Do the paper! ;)
    P.s. I like your blog... Meow kitten...
